
Arugula is the most popular pizza topping among millennials.  I know it seems like I just made up that fact… but it’s probably true!  Baby arugula has a mild nutty/ peppery flavor.  Overgrown/ mature arugula (also known as rocket) can pack an exciting punch!  Beyond being the most smashing pizza topping of the decade, arugula makes for an awesome salad green, it wilts into broth giving soup a touch or greenery, goes well with all sorts of eggy things, and can be served a couple different ways with pasta. Arugula makes a very flavorful pesto that can be used in pastas, lasagna, or in covering roasted veggies! 

Pro tip: If you’re are a fan of more flavorful arugula you might not find overgrown arugula at a farmer’s market (lets face it, we live in the Midwest and spicy just doesn’t sell) but you can keep an eye out for holey arugula instead.  Holey arugula shows up often on the local organic farming scene, flea beetles can’t resist munching in it, and unless the farmer goes through the trouble of covering their arugula beds with row cover it’s just going to holey.  The good news is that the flavor that makes arugula so popular is actually what the plant uses to repel pests. If it’s been munched on by pests, arugula tastes better!  

31 Ways to Eat Arugula All the Time Without Getting Sick of It!